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Obituary Research
Red River Valley Genealogical Society

Obituary Search

RRVGS has clipped obituaries published in the local newspaper, the Fargo Forum since November 1975 to date. Fees for this search are based on the information you provide. If an obituary is found a copy will be sent. If no obituary is found you will be informed.

$5/ obituary applies if name and day, month and year of death are provided for an obituary published after November 1975. The $10 fee will be required if you need page and column number for your documentation.

$10/obituary applies if the obituary occurred before November 1975 and you provide the name, day, month and year of death. Each obituary in this category is documented as to page and column.

$30/2 hours applies when the date of death is not known. You must order a Genealogical Records Search with a minimum charge of $30 for two hours, $15 each additional hour. When you order an obituary in this category please specify obituary as your research objective in an email you send to us.

Note: Clik here for our  Genealogical Record Search if date unknown!


Obituary Request through PayPal
Ancestor Last, First, Middle
Date of Death MM/DD/YYYY
Place of Death or Burial

Payment can be made by check, money order or fill out PayPal Obituary Form

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